IIPH- Shillong organized an NQAS training for its staff and IPSI district team on 10-12 June 2024 in Shillong, Meghalaya. The training was conducted by Dr. Ayan Roy, a national level NQAS assessor and expert. The objective of the training was to orient the IPSI district team on the assessment process for NQAS, provide hands on training on how to conduct an NQAS assessment and share practical tips on how health facilities can move towards the NQAS certification. The training was attended by staff, faculty of IIPHS as well as IPSI district staff posted in West Garo Hills. The training included didactic sessions on NQAS and the components of the NQAS assessment as well as a practical, guided session where the participants performed a dummy NQAS assessment of a health facility.
The training was followed by a visit to Babadam PHC in West Garo Hills on 20th June 2024. The PHC is a target facility for NQAS certification for the district in FY 2024-25. The purpose of the meeting was to orient the facility leadership on the IPSI project, determine gaps that are preventing the facility from obtaining the certification and obtain consensus on areas of IPSI support.