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Fellowships and Training Opportunities

IPSI is dedicated to improving technical capacity for implementing primary health care programs in India. Towards this IPSI offers a limited number of scholarships and fellowships to candidates from central, state, and other government and allied institutions who are interested in enhancing their competency in public health.

  • Global Health Fellowship: Through the Fellowship, selected candidates will be sponsored to attend certificate courses and degree programs in public health in India and abroad. Fellowships are offered to mid and early career public health professionals engaged in planning and implementation of primary health care at state and national levels in India.
  • Global Health Scholars: Through this scholarship program, selected candidates will be able to undertake short-term online courses that will provide them with a specific skill or broaden their learning on a particular issue. Scholarships are offered to mid and early career public health professionals engaged in planning and implementation of primary health care at state and national levels in India.

Scholarships are offered for short term courses to mid and early career public health professionals engaged in planning and implementation of primary health care at state and national levels in India.


All Fellowships and scholarships are open to individuals actively working with state or central government health department to strengthen primary health care, for a minimum of 2 years. Applicants may be an employee of the state or central government, affiliate organization or a development partner but would need to demonstrate their contribution and full time work with the health department.

Currently accepting applications for online Johns Hopkins India Health System Institute at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore. Due date: Saturday, 15th May 2021

Johns Hopkins India Health Systems Institute

June 7–19, 2021

The Johns Hopkins India Health Systems Institute (IHSI) is offered by the Health Systems Program in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the India Primary Health Care Support Initiative (IPSI). This is a great opportunity for early to mid-career public health professionals to expand their skill sets and widen their learning on global health and health systems. All courses will be held fully online. The India Health Systems Institute is a component of the larger Health Systems Summer Institute offered annually by the Health Systems Program and features courses that are designed specifically for participants from India.


Building global skills

This India Health Systems Institute is ideal for those interested in global health. Participants will develop the skills necessary to assess and improve a wide range of public health systems. Courses are held in areas such as global health technology and innovation, measurement and analytics for health systems strengthening, and health systems management.

Courses are taught by leading faculty from the Bloomberg School who have extensive experience working with ministries of health, international agencies such as the World Health Organization, and local governments in countries across the world.

The India Health Systems Institute will be held during June 7–19, 2021. There are eight course options available varying in length from 3–6 half days, with time divided between in class lectures and group work, activities, and discussions held outside of class.

Click here for information on courses

India Primary Health Care Support Initiative will provide scholarships to a select number of candidates working in central or state government or affiliated institutions in India in the area of primary health care. Preference will be given to candidates who are working in the area of primary health care.


Instructions for registering:

  1. First, complete an online course registration. If you have never taken a course at JHSPH before, you will be applying as a new student. You will need to select the “Summer Institute in Health Systems” as your summer institute of interest. You may select non-credit or academic credit. IPSI is sponsoring students at the non-credit rate only.
  2. Once you have registered an application, you will receive a log-in ID from Johns Hopkins within 24–72 hours along with instructions on how to log in and create your password. Once you create your log-in and password, you can register for the courses you are interested in. You may register for more than one, but IPSI is sponsoring one course per applicant only.
  3. Submit an application to the IPSI Scholars program by May 15th, 2021. Recipients of the scholarship will be notified by May 30th


Timeline and process for selection

  1. Last date for registration for course and completing fellowship application for Global Health Scholars program is Monday, 15th May 2021
  2. A committee will review each application and inform the decision over email by Sunday, May 30th 2021.
  3. Selected Global Health Scholars are required to attend a pre- and post-training seminar. The time and date for this will be communicated to the selected candidates.
  4. The India Health Systems Institute begins June 7 and runs through June 19, 2021, with start dates varying for each course.

Download the the brochure for the Johns Hopkins India Health System Institute from here

Currently closed for applications

Currently closed for applications