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Demonstrate PHC models

IPSI Project Districts

  • The aim of the demonstration pillar is to-
    Provide technical support to the Government of India’s Ayushman Bharat- Health and Wellness Center (HWC) program to improve coverage and quality of health services through evidence-based health systems strengthening.
  • IPSI will be working in five states as suggested by MOHFW, Government of India, namely- Gujarat, Odisha, Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. One district each has been selected in these states in consultation with respective state governments. We are collaborating with the leading academic organizations in the three states of Gujarat, Odisha, and Meghalaya. In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, we have a partnership with Jhpiego who will be leading the demonstration work in selected districts.
    The principles for the ‘demonstrate’ work are-

    1. Identify, co-develop, and implement interventions in consultation with state and district stakeholders
    2. Support interventions that catalyze health system strengthening
    3. Leverage the strengths of the national and state partner institutions
    4. Work within existing program resources

IPSI Focus Areas

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