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Support for NQAS certification of Health and Wellness Centres

Under the Demonstrate pillar of work, one of the key project outcomes in the focus districts is to enhance the proportion of HWCs with NQAS certification. The project teams are providing support at district and block (planning and management) levels as well as facility level for this activity. State partner institutes are developing a context specific strategy for the districts for enhancing NQAS certifications.

At the district level, the support comprises the following-

  • Situational analysis of NQAS certification structures and processes to determine district-level target for NQAS certification, budgets and other resources (e.g. for training), status of institutional structures and training.
  • Supporting the district in conducting NQAS trainings of facility in-charges and/or facility teams, DQAU members who mentor facilities.
  • Exposure visits to districts that are performing well in NQAS certification
  • Research: Qualitative study to identify best practices in Bhavnagar that enabled high certification rates, evaluation studies of quality improvement initiatives

At the facility level, technical assistance is being provided to identified HWCs to achieve NQAS certification. This entails supporting the whole NQAS certification process at the HWCs including the internal assessment, identification of gaps, development of NQAS action plan and implementation of action plan.