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West Garo Hills, Meghalaya

IPSI is collaborating with Indian Institute of Public Health Shillong (IIPH Shillong) for demonstration work in West Garo Hills district, which was selected based on discussions with the state government.

District profile

The West Garo Hills district lies in the western part of the state of Meghalaya. The district is mostly hilly with plains fringing the northern, western, and south-western borders.

West Garo Hills district is predominantly inhabited by the Garos, a tribe with a matrilineal society belonging to the Bodo family of the Tibeto-Burman race tribes. The district has a population of 4,70,796 people. The district headquarter is in Tura. The district has six blocks.

Public health facilities in the district

Type of health facility No.
District hospital 1
Sub-district hospital 1
Community health centers 6
Primary health centers- HWCs 9
Sub-centers- HWCs 67


Health profile of the state and district

Meghalaya state:

West Garo Hills district:

State partner

Indian Institute of Public Health Shillong (IIPH-S)