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Recognize PHC performance

This pillar aims at recognizing the best reforming state and district in each category every six months/quarterly and facilitating its use as a site for mutual learning. This recognition can take several forms: (a) National or state-level awards to districts and specific health workers that are recognized as good performers in terms of achieving performance benchmarks; (b) MoHFW potentially provides ‘innovation’ funding/awards to best-reforming states and districts (e.g. like the RUSA program in education or the National guidelines for quality improvement); (c) Opportunities for advanced training in public health to state/district level officers of good performing districts; and (d) publicizing the work of best reformers through a social reality show on YouTube or national television along the lines of Green Kerala Express to encourage reformers elsewhere and build political salience for CPHC reform. The nature and extent of these rewards will be determined in consultation with MoHFW and other patterns in the design phase.