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State Partners: Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

Jhpiego, India


Jhpiego is a nonprofit global health leader and Johns Hopkins University affiliate that saves lives, improves health, and transforms futures. We partner with governments, health experts, the private sector, and local communities to build the skills and systems that save lives and guarantee a healthier future for women and families. Through our partnerships, we are revolutionizing health care for the world’s most disadvantaged and vulnerable people. Our presence can be seen in 28 states, 2 UTs, and 700+ districts of India.

Mission & Vision Statement

Jhpiego’s mission is to build responsive and resilient health systems and self-reliant communities, created on the foundational values of partnerships, positive disruption and locally led development.

We envision an India where each individual irrespective of where (s)he lives and how much (s)he earns/owns, is provided quality, dignified healthcare services by a health eco-system where the power for consumption of healthcare rests with the individual.

Our Work

Since the 1980s, working to save lives and improve health for the most vulnerable.

  • Under the RISE and NISHTHA projects, Jhpiego supported vaccine-related training in more than 1,500 facilities and trained more than 4,500 health care providers on various aspects of COVID-19 vaccination in India. RISE supported 227 model COVID-19 vaccination centres established across 17 states. These facilities have provided COVID-19 vaccination to more than 56 million people.
  • The MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership: India-Yash project has reached 12.3 million young people with family planning and sexual and reproductive health services and reached around 4.6 million people with gender investment efforts.
  • Through its collaboration with the public and private sectors, Jhpiego helped ensure that competent health care workers provided high-quality maternal health and childbirth services for more than 11.3 million women across 15 states of India.
  • Through its comprehensive primary health care strengthening programs, Jhpiego has provided technical assistance in establishing more than 66,900 Ayushman Arogya Mandirs across 14 states of India. These health and wellness centres cater to a population of 523 million, bringing comprehensive primary health care nearer to their homes.
  • We are transforming lives and impacting communities across multiple impact pathways:
  1. Maternal, Newborn & Child Health
  2. Comprehensive Primary Health Care
  3. Human Resources for Health
  4. Family Planning, Youth & Gender
  5. Global Health Security
  6. Women’s Cancers
  7. Immunization
  8. Nutrition
  9. TB & Infectious Diseases
  10. Climate & Human Health
  11. Digital Health

Health profile of organization:

Jhpiego India:
